b'MatthewA Commentary for Biblical Preaching and TeachingKERUX COMMENTARIESDarrell L. Bock & Timothy D. SprankleE ach volume uniquely combines the insights of an exper-iencedBibleexegete(trainedininterpretation)anda homiletician (trained in preaching). These two authors work togethertoexplaintheessentialmessagefortheoriginal listeners or readers, unpack its timeless truth, and then provide a contemporary restatement and communication insights for the key biblical concept.The book of Matthew conveys the most important story of all time: God becoming man for the redemption of the world. While the story itself can appear clear, much is missed if we dont understand the symbolism, history, context, and language in which the book was written and initially dis-persed. Through the pairing of exegetical analysis and pas-toral application, authors Darrell L. Bock and Timothy D. Sprankleprovideanaccessibleandcomprehensivecom-mentary for the teacher and preacher alike. Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the readers ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohe-sive, and dynamic.Darrell L. Bock (PhD, University of Aberdeen) is executive 978-0-8254-5825-5director for cultural engagement at the Hendricks Center and $57.99 senior research professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Hardcover7.5 x 9.25800 pages Timothy D. Sprankle (DMin, Talbot School of Theology) RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / New Testament / Jesus, thehas served as lead pastor at Leesburg Grace Brethren Church Gospels & Acts in Indiana for the past seventeen years.Kregel MinistryRights: WWJuly 29, 2025Related Titles Unique Selling PointsT s h Oroldu Tgehs tOamlde Tnets btaacmkegnrot Eunyedss,iasla e a nseiown sk,i pandtt oefr cnso,m amnde nretfaerrye nsecreise st htahta st atiluluramtei ntahtee Ns tehwe lu A BACKGROUND AND APPLICATION COMMENTARY the m nd teachers to understand and efectively presentExplores and explains the contents and purpose of the en c C cteamsm, ibtteunettd t.otThod u r o n e eysde e onl h multifacetedo s c conections areo notn fressh wr stto-c atehynse.t uOrlydTesitsah-d b B isd. THROUGH OLD TESTAMENT EYES E Keruxa Coin mny eostshaegre i con evmmeerny btariyb liscearl ties, e e: h Bienixgc e en by an expert in biblicallh g o c thTem nslriernsaktdeas nwrdse inoreftgesSenccr ocipnatndu nnroeattwsuierleel gtthoae itnhm ie.nNsBigiebwhlte Tttheeroasctahumgehresn t, thp auereseat chrhiocrehsr s Oa, nalddnTtdhe ssettiuarde aumnednti-ts MATTHEW ex mmentaries enable pastorse ax et.ach volume is writ are preaching intco attatrehiwfey psccournipztzatliuinnrg pasa lb listteshar oagcevys ae rotnf a d etnhdexpswuloabirtn olke s tchoorneirngs iienctailo, nfi Jew MATTHEW Uneike en t xittphhee cr iocemonmcmedmun ehnicotaamrtiyoil eni st isctfioraacntue gsiedinesp oaanrn tdnb iieblrlsuichstaiplr a. itnIiosnincglsuh fstosio r tenhaa fa pa susasegfeu tlha moenThnnte, ecc tgaioposniptase, wlli zohinfi gMch c,sm complex sandig de roausndasn,ebceh omeiss, sqeduoalways recognizgvs edi ny biblical teaching, w g gIsdeeetgaicm paerel naatncsa,h liiynns giws ,m htoihcdheoe te iacrauultx hf oeocnrusha sg, nuaicdnedseGospel of the Messiah, detailing Jesuss ethnic and religious audience.aThese theeasnei negxteingnsivifiec banactk, aautlhgoesrisam aadnsatnha toadttpaeeav T ys slur ocf g dertsigenh trgly, hs te vheocehwrniy pnicga ehl rosdowisnc , wGusosodiroksn, l p ilafaenn, ad nind mintetrorpinrdieusttcievry oeddeif Jn betashtuee ss.H teob croewnc eSncrtripatteu o thaecl,o Ke ACTSare powerful and engaging.pa s eil o tar tmioinssa,p wparopys roifa ttehidn. kDinaren Oldteachreh ivanodglu esrmt rtaeh troeisg udyg.ih vB iaaded sedw e ilonlnt-toetsdhtedeis tt eisnxectt-qdu prereivnaecnleid t divauv k combines rigorous, focused New Testament scholarshipthe readers ability to deliver a mesage that is biblical, cohesive, and dynamic.reevsAetament influences, this bo M thfo h iv ocia r G y irms o e sa ttuh ffCeu bosimertdmh w nisiastrihor anth,t ieCv efuaspl,fi teols m cthearene Stf oeufrl mSlyc oraninp dotnu c rtoehn.e-ist EXEGETICAL AUTHOR a T ih o a u b v ye an a Sirccc e a V h fE u ataD co T l n.o i YP ge s o iln gamu icu itn . a t he iP leoS V seisriit Kes einrfuoxrCmommation and resources.entaries.com to acsheae i te r m d l o le a fg tn eran ofD i S c n h ar V e t esss lumb,ia tpa ib li ocuaothfrl KERUX COMMENTARIES heritage and his claim to the ancestral throne of Daviddinhrowith deaevp rid eCspapecet fs sohr towhe es hnotwir e bthei bOliclda l tTeesxtta.ment is the substructure and scaffolding Dro tcuhinnet g,g loayl sslp hteohlew o swfMhayoa wttth htrheoewu eg. nIhtn idtroee e stthdo,e rfTHROUGH OLD TESTAMENT EYES THOR G HEANRTVIENYOvinAe fi eO mlodr Te ienstcarmedenibtl AEp tsMichaelF.Bird, Academic DMeealnb, Rouridnlee,y C Auosltrleagliea, Jh bfinna t OeH UNn iDevne.t r sHainAt ingt eeSloihh yR P oo rr(ooTnghtorD)a, m isW D Pyirrcolecfifteoses oa crotColNu e m eaw-t HOMiInDILa ErGyT) DE PiraNvesT sibyItdNh ate n drci( hahMunis Drc Cwihvh, u ifepCrlac,o nh J uiPnlie CgAh ianBvs tSeoofru ACTS Exegetical commentary based on encountering and ICAL AUOcial codeisnet.rsri ba utthiooron utog ha , yweotn ndeotr defuln sseer, tieres,aM ege Churc hem hr oipne Anmh TChaef e aas ctdnyea emdib eislr CeA lder eUn tnn, ihtreaadivne S itsnag petrevsel aadnn iedn ir s ine Svn toeurhate MlhcAhsiuidracd,hl e Ea npdlaa snatrte.sComlumbiaThro s ourngst goAspmey Pl. It leleers u,y ybeo isen offtes pfiete Prros rroemafes tmaettnhte owf Uest otiBvrid er lsEi aiitn cald Sedminary ofo rlCdolloeerur l ve rdH bia Inretr sy b nationaith lina.A Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teachingy e CAPES ThSouthwesterne Baptistor of New Testament, Wheaton Colo y.sa raee Executiven eK oErntal, Germany. lHoe C Theolo n gyactiove i Biblical Com Jensutary / N sDirersc tiwinnTgin B.f themu se invcione eolodegaugircaatdhl Lourae , Ltecoo srd Jesus, and the Scri e taught for more than thirtyJe en sut 4 David B. Capes 9780825 , the Gew Tospesls & Atamecnt / ts 458293 JOAHVNID D G. EHNATRIVNEOY illuminating the central big idea of each textDAVID orvoasrtiaeo D Latn ilalee nCsssattnh: Paul, th ibraraucyh t(oHhoolors,usearotdointuon, Trd, oX t)hr . ceH opcteoudurientost orr f IfH theISBN 978-0-8254-5829-3inec aN Th (PhD, r gdhiri Theological Seminary) earning P luaedul: An Introduction to His World, Letters, and Theology. Biblical Com nluamndbeeRdr e odhfii ssb coPovhekDrs- Capes Dary / New Testamecnt / ts s, the Gospels & AK AC R A EG DEM EL IC 9 ISBN 978-0-8254-4478- 78082544784 K AC R A E D G EM E I L C ANDREW T. LE PE SER AU AND SE IES EDITORS TH M. EHORN Jointly authored by an eminent exegetical scholar and an Matthew Through OldActs (Kerux) experienced homileticianTestament Eyes (TOTE) 978-0-8254-5829-3978-0-8254-4478-4 $41.99$30.99 18 | kregel.com'