b'The Exegetical ProcessHow to Write a New Testament Exegesis Paper Step-by-StepAda Besanon SpencerHow do I do exegesis? And where do I even begin?I f youve ever found yourself asking these questions, then this book is for you. Written by Senior Professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Ada BesanonSpencer,thisstep-by-stepguidewillprovidea detaileddescriptionofthevariousstepsrequiredofthe exegetical process, and their importance. These steps includeunderstanding the literary and historical context of a passagediscerning the priority of the passage through sen-tence structureisolating and exploring key words and phrasesapplying the passage to our current contextThe Exegetical Process is an invaluable resource for any who desire to faithfully interpret and apply Scripture. By reading this book, you will be equipped to do both for any passage in the Bible. AdaBesanonSpencer(PhD,SouthernBaptistTheo-logicalSeminary,ThM,MDiv,PrincetonTheological Seminary) is senior professor of New Testament at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She has published over two hundred articles, essays, and chapters and twenty books, including several commentaries and topical books such as A Commentary on James, Pauls Literary Style, 2 Corinthians: A Guide for Reflection and Prayer, and The Goddess Revival. She 978-0-8254-4916-1 has served as a specialized Presbyterian minister, Hispanic $26.99 community organizer, English as a second language teacher, and pastor at Pilgrim Church. She and her husband, the Rev. Paperback6 x 9272 pages Dr. William David Spencer, cowrite the blog Applying Biblical RELIGION / Biblical Studies / Exegesis & Hermeneutics Truths Today, coedit the Africanus Journal, and copublish the Kregel AcademicRights: WW House of Prisca and Aquila series.May 20, 2025Related Titles Unique Selling PointsBy comprehensive knowledge of the details thaat sypieG h Po m . a o io a odftthhee l pr trouge rienstseirvepr netatatuioren o off d biivbilnie- The ta in v g Iiudnae gt eha, ifi sthr tsehtoo-rlraootgeuy evg,h alanynd gu eappldipcalatilecHhtiromni teihnoanevuea deed o oic Iesn etnveitx catart. iTeoonfup tiolcy Bsrsiewbulcihcoar alk sIn ecdthePR tb f d ntAo P IS af E slo R nT s sA cA tor rp to onr reoetflaloetgiocytn, e , hKech t ar ce la stteong ft hseemw s t ilo c l b, P o emw heo.ideneilyx Se s x useminary as a2nd Edition INVITATION TO THEOLOGICAL STUDIES SERIES An accessible and practical how-to from a widely acclaimed cal texts from Genesis two inRecsliagrvheittlaytion Theof the no t ;ht hbee yucnl oietawyra ognfrdrthe cdeo enhmatinnpdtusivi teoyfh oefivste porryro yCp hhaenrtdisti cb iaainbnld wic ahaplo ot sthtaeokoleilc-s HERMENEUTICS BIBLICAL WRITERSoegoyrm,d Cs Wenheouuot rpd siJcs.e risterf uiels a bont ity Church veinngtu arne.d S eemeb wriatch-d HERMENEUTICS T anidg hstlyu rdeecnotms amlikeen dwedil! fincot an uvAl tteFO ical HE FIRST EDITION Ayne aeeslbo eigrnyg,escrca hanonolarnd ,P sfiahgiturpte. arTsteoinavce hp laernorsINVITATION TOrevelation; bryo vi .da o.\x1eMu s race C k that should be in d iJ. t sto be adgold mine,Oofu faacihthitfau Bl aapndtis rte Ulinabilvee srcsihtoylarship in service of the church. tiA ngb tnheeriCnhte oru p u es aliy s.n A s thoe mbomldu nathned b dibynliacaml iauc cthhaolrles.n Jgoein o fh uinmd ienr stthen a of the erl geacr cfocuus on the his- tann dearxcd telexnttb Wbook fok otr yhaetarrudem edexpert in the exegetical processPastore, Grtpaekrespective ofvotlhuerem pergre etiasa tti itosm nte.h Trireth eoe- fda iumKtheosnrtessi nrobnaightlybirbrentdive h Scer tipOintluudir ty with ho g Scriptriueorters ts ae nrtdhr io etiihtre eo rs uNwensw etd S imTeecstsr.a iOpmtuuerre. BIBLICAL WRITERS eDgees astinnd sede tom dbinarecom ese. l th. Ae stanTd oeu d tegxiatcbstaol Seronkem Bainarptisytfor col- prapro rAig aobrle ly recomm BIBLICINALV IINTATTERIOPNRE TTOA TIONnew eyes J. Unrd H on rd t f hBe Bibliicbalel . H\x1e eove ilogt cy, h\x1ea neg e ySououthr lerifen .Baptist \x1e eological Seminary corlyl ,t hliete hrearturmee,n aenudti tchale otlroiagdy. of the Biblewhat theyes so nfoer-s thpermeososurteninare t c on anA efrests o s w b rst o s ed odb k, University of Northwestern le N PH TE E TDSA C P R O IP S T T U LE R S El th n Ie aumti ctsr c Kevin erleJ. vl i Anhoo ofsh Kin is is zer , Sar l h ry h , TrinDitivy Einvitayn Sgcehliocaol ltors, and tecacaA in ca to pl s g hers. Wcapwh e n h el e b lomberg fi thi se c etkiein tireyca ie g, R teugdeetnictas,li nar ppraosy erh x a pe li- IBLICAL l. arbm , Deennvdeer Sd.emFor CheoTsu e,tst thaaaktm ienexniw Sstt pedrco prpihpture usly includes beinngpta rbaoplepo esttro lu etssrae ac onefda Snpcrdroi rppethuperrtoes d stuuascened dh sto hiwneLFERAORMN ITNHGETPOR OI RSP RAENT tremPer Aniel es b n b ocKe tro, otlhoe neuUt tinocs hi.veerresmmite.y- my ctwteicxealecctsh o,rmi neasgpen d iot o ntrrsoieeivobnellstyr atanienotedlydne.t tIdho a efmots hrip mehi rapicntuorednasliscl neeppgd o ttssathn,u eds rbo leuo ibofnokr- dB A step-by-step guide to each integral element of an Profes Bsor o. Cf New Testament & Gre Avid resoforweanrts m, two dphoui ctwhtiin tlgodnra dsw hb georuoekid aai nnri ccethh f,eo ynaadnrsss i vtoofe H inS ermd elinveiuntgi cths ei sC inhdriistspieanns laifeble, b fuotr m unostde cbiblical view of the Bible unlesa pe eft eo m O is Tthey under-e r A A first-rualtye v imdolpumse os S i c c ie h t ty ra e n A d sbdA h a s t o l tth guide t t r e h n eo b . diblic iann er log g ye a r thee rUmetnioio ann l of th upoe t ege cogmet.u ti B v urcde fro eorge h. g ar uthr E rov , Wa seignegnlt Coe volulege Exploring the Hermeneutical Triad ofacknowledge the principles and practices of thne b nt hwe hwicahybteheliye vderids.invaluableongmAn d I mduecna makeworkinge rwphreitcahti tohney, t chdias in s t turn fio. orb opk tt.l ahseiasttoan Conce ilnle igne-Christians today canot employ a trulyatnedmibipnliocg arSl warcryir pihteteurrs trme,eh nceoemnusttsiecrlauvelc syst.istnge mthse foaliolg tyo, Anovers al rAnt ed. aT es, a iii, Westmont Col theIf students of Scripture arerao g me standT T d why the propheoet pws osaaeny dst heastphoestrmlese nineutetircp oorreutic id e theTaor nt htios men nd a g labyrinthito foruesstudent, eiidb Aniowfc ehtsh etpelocK I NTERPRETATION accurate and meaningful exposition of any passage of innetdster,a pAmrbeetnn Setrs uc rCipshe otouruf tepthhre Old T pro e haim btielicnc tah.l eaurmthen Sdcireininpcctlueu, rdeiilndg uenstdaemrsteannt dauintgh tohres, N aenwd tasrko uogf hb ibthlical interpretation. thatHistory, Literature, and TheologyChourst unfolds the i ofnd J. ibKlic erson sborne, TriDniitvy Einvitayn Sgcehliocaol lty b rnf aBensagspoetlriic osatf l TN Thewheeooll oTogegiiscctaaal-l 2nd Editiontheemestiroa onmwstennra ti ntauetse ttrhhpoerr ectsoi.v n\x1eetipnirsua Lfctotr om yicefs st .hthiseafpopurnodaachti owni tuhp tohneawphoistcho blicel hieevrmeres ntoeudatiycmofu tsthebNueilwd w Seominary. He is also the founder of Bibslif mictyalooFfrntrib nliitoictooyar k lSo sS.cfth utodhoeile) J,soiuastr r nMesadlei Biblical Studies / Exegesis & Hermeneutics Scripturen (dP hdiDre,c Ttorirn oitfy t Eheva Cengnetliecra lf oDrAab mnaeenrn ttCaa tChioolanusr i,ti saa n,t dCh eI Sa lJiofaohw tnrn hiFae LMHoaerd c: A BiAs rtthheui baurl icEtahnl \x1fodro ofe lndogu Felef VlrowUnitvaeryrs oityn Ard ers, eityd. Her, o h atironhniisra t,o L mosa Anyn bgeoleks)siosn d ibsibtilnigcuali ssthueddi pesr aonfeds ssoerr vemed eraist auns KPSATTETNERBESORGNERy o ousia otan r.\x1eticele sM, aa stcoemrsmen be, arty U. nuPivt(Par tsh Darua,n tUhslonaritevoedr or and co uCnhadliafn tuoted ISBN 978-0-8254-4676-4atd Litior for several Bible translations.CHOURELIGION / Biblical Studies / Exegesis & HermeneuticsANDREAS J. KSTENBERGERAcademic 9 ISBN 978-0-8254-4324-4 7808254324 ABNER CHOU 978082546764 WITH RICHARD D. PATTERSON Intellectually precise yet clear and direct in its The Hermeneutics ofInvitation to Biblicalpresentationapplicable to scholastic, homiletical, or lay the Biblical Writers Interpretation, 2nd Editionteaching situations978-0-8254-4324-4978-0-8254-4676-4$24.99 $51.9916 | kregel.com'