b'Instructional Strategies for Christian TeachersHow to Teach the Bible and Theology in the Church and SchoolJames Riley Estep Jr. & Jay L. Sedwick, editorsInstructors in Christian settings need training in the art and science of teaching tooT he best teachers in any discipline use diverse instruc-tional models to foster all aspects of learning. Instructional StrategiesforChristianTeacherscombinestheologicaland biblical insight with tested teaching methods, providing a targeted guide for those preparing to teach within environ-ments such as churches, ministries, Bible colleges, Christian universities, and seminaries.The editors and other expert educators systematically addressteachertrainingandfocusonplanningstrategi-cally for various learning outcomes. Contributors address uniquelyChristiantopicsalongsidevitalinstructional approaches.Complete with reflection questions, video supplements, graphics,diagrams,anddistinctlyChristianexamples, Instructional Strategies for Christian Teachers offers a strong and promising foundation for those already teaching or planning to teach in a Christian context.James Riley Estep Jr. (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School,DMin,SouthernBaptistTheologicalSeminary) serves as professor and director of the doctor of educational ministries programs and professor of educational ministries and leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary.978-0-8254-4758-7JayL.Sedwick(PhD,SouthwesternBaptistTheological $26.99 Seminary)currentlyservesasprofessoranddepartment chairofeducationalministriesandleadershipatDallas Paperback6 x 9272 pages Theological Seminary.RELIGION / Christian Education / AdultKregel AcademicRights: WWApril 22, 2025Related Titles Unique Selling PointsTh s Ci aD o n iscohuverr tchhes we beoarukity ong wf thith aeolongd ficaol ir onnse atituntoiotnhs er a al c E t B g T nfssi rs rrh ia ca as ith e Foreword by Tom Tanner Provides solid theological and practical principles from threouologghicodmp uceatteionncy-dbeamosedn stlreaatrensi nhgowi oonan: p (p CcdrhoeBvuaTercElochh) pe. toCisnCa mn e fodElilow oetcmeruyr issn eopasrie opa t settinomw nhucoot uflotahoupla emtrrp , e iiss, - THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION THEOLOGICALnd ctmp cati f eCnh ino Th h oeifsier ttfiveheronsc cctay ht-biuoBornoacshske-. laden nThdg ttehho elotorlogeigactaimecl aEln edtduP P sp ufcahurBcThEes mo laysv e tothegon gtrou a anxspiloonr inang:dEDUCATION experienced educators that may be lacking in many refinement as theological schols and co her indn pwoarrkt nfoerr shxipecorrainnctetcixicpteulesa stl htizhaetad d tan Cti BcT uious improvement grin ound El easspuhpcicpro, aesacsnhfd hu lr eCoqBluisTitrEeic as c, ossuosecphses meras aatinff to,r dsuacbhle a psr cooglraabmors, fltievxei bmleis tseiocnh,-Principles and Practices of a Usingn tholoe Cg ad e y, aTnEd c moodel means seminaries can provide practical ministrysa tktreairni nagmoi nwgo ntorgk gte.h tehmer. B lo sh il eh to ih sse dei e r e clap d o Competency-Based Approach nonprofessional or volunteer teacherswith churches that invest in ther tethissoueeorcgein cefaos r bedrduiguchcatattolioy nrsi n ofi ntthg w rou shaere Th ri ertg hebistso e abonnkcody o- ikbsKaaise sn eavdta ms l ueuaedbsxutpl-ecreea rtaoidon nf e.o ffrI eamcnty ivgoernalyet .loefuoklvhoolnv mdinbigrn eildya nivmpdesR eONn Gmp ifnogrtoth uen w sdstoamnd tahne ementf, cocompetency-based educatin n NtwoGrk, Th ao efe rtsheof loCg oimpcPalreeo eddnueccnaytot-, CBrasos empadnThoueteetnsotcloayn-gdBicianasegl set i d E E sd CHacteaioAtb ioLA Lvteh edroinnegy Strateg As erudvcuicEN GRAHAM,P K co o nv tio thned s ecshoeam rtmwing tuo npithieoynir iic Dnsiirgehcttos wr oitf Ch uosn. text and Continuity, DSiTreEcPHtor of Acf A ous hgaa r fiS Offers proven and specific instruction in theory and ociation of Theological Schorediting, lsinrgemp andde nCce. AUnndieversrositny ( PChoDl , Sa c n ent yeCnJhc. Hoyo-besiannssgeod nt om(PaDrsMeteaircnsh,d,S ehiouger eixseF aaacllsclorseStdheitme eicdrn ebaaryyt Thi;v Meen nB ndceiearn toieofdn iIc motifme nThe Uresonelo,i vtgehircesaitly rst eofruovlellsys.Anderson & Hensonegeou atnhdw Theseteorlon gBiacpal Stiste mThineaoloryg. Aicault hSoemr oifn Ianryte)g isa Ptirvee sPidreenatc oh-fGshirz uePartgrcieoohsrneidas,eal t anitnvtr e vdaon fn siKefoow onarpirmron ooasfit Uitorsgnn oa,ivaei nrszisdaxittiygcoo.o nnHvatel giisrnn ewoavnontecrsr.ken Goahnrnaecs g einb.sn emooevna stuti osreendc, e tbhnytebosloeomogkiic,naThalr ieeed Csu, couuanntiicovinel,,rsooitffrigeeras,-s practices appropriate to many levels of teaching experienceA,o B )c shan alternEDUCATION / Teacher & Student MentoringK AC R A EG DEM EL IC 9 ISBN 978-0-8254-4844-7 780825448447 KenGtoreng Cor.y A J. Hensonnderson andTheological Education Invitation to Educational 978-0-8254-4844-7Ministry $21.99 978-0-8254-4444-9$44.99kregel.com | 15'