b'GenesisA Commentary for Biblical Preaching and TeachingKERUX COMMENTARIESJohn M. Soden & Randal Emery PeltonE achvolumeuniquelycombinestheinsightsofan experiencedBibleexegete(trainedininterpretation) andahomiletician(trainedinpreaching).Thesetwo authorsworktogethertoexplaintheessentialmessage fortheoriginallistenersorreaders,unpackitstimeless truth, and then provide a contemporary restatement and communication insights for the key biblical concept. Authors John M. Soden and Randal Emery Pelton use the model of robust exegesis paired with experienced pastoral care to demonstrate how Genesis fits within Gods story for creation, as well as what that means for our lives today. Throughrichtheologicalinsight,pastors,teachers,and theologians alike are invited to think deeply on Genesis and to investigate the richness that the first book of the Bible has to offer with the goal of sharing that richness with others. Based on the Big Idea preaching model, Kerux enhances the readers ability to deliver a message that is biblical, cohe-sive, and dynamic.John M. Soden (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) spent 978-0-8254-2550-9nearly a decade pastoring a church in rural Colorado before $51.99 entering an academic career of twenty-five years, teaching college freshmen through PhD students, primarily in Old Hardcover7.5 x 9.25720 pages Testament studies.RELIGION / Biblical Commentary / Old Testament / Pentateuch RandalEmeryPelton(PhD,LancasterBibleCollege, Kregel MinistryRights: WW CapitalSeminary&GraduateSchool;DMin,Gordon-July 29, 2025 ConwellTheologicalSeminary)hasbeenpastoringand teaching since the late 1980s. Since 2003 he has been senior pastor at Calvary Bible Church in Mount Joy, Pennsylvania, and continues to serve as adjunct faculty at LBC, Capital, and Gordon-Conwell.Related Titles Unique Selling PointsKerux Commentaries enable pastors and teachers to understand and efectively presentProvides definitive insights into the text of Genesiss thne m U a b s mexpe cr oemiconmgm.in ced muenicoh t ext.ach volume is writ c nn en by an expert in bibuhllii cnaingl o asa ecf widely disputed texts and topics, while also encouraging likea ian mny eostshaegre i con evmmeerny btairybl iscearl ties, e arepreare pt eaeaanchndis n atngha, wt nitthgheag ntaamriyoil neisticfi u g sied tha uage that eix ubteghlicoeasrli s toraateiespo aanrn dtbn iieblrluishcsatilrp a. itnIiosnnicglshu fstosiorneach pastfPSALMSach ovwoleurmfuel a isn d edivided into distinct preaching segments, in which the authors guide E t t th ea creheiaanddge ersrt s arthatrobeigluiygt.y t hB o daa sedwee lloivln-ter a me tshtede te esxsestq-adugree tinvcehaen: t i Beis bxge Igdiebetliaicc aaprell, c aanocahhlyeinssigivs ,me e V, a to c hdenoed dllo, Kegyincraaulm xfi oeccn.uhas,n acneds VOL. 1 appreciation for the manifold beauty and complexity of he rt KeruoxrCmommatioenn atnard ireess.cooum trceo as.seisriies inf ess u t EXEGETICAL AUTHOR w H A r h m eiE c suT t th IB p C s . r of nOdth h eih , tcDexe r aeM g t e hsi ias d- s D HOMILETICAL AiUnVaTErHyL)OL RiEsT mfo t l hi it cae h.he e h a tS JR en.vd ain inad n fa,c uDltayl laastD na n oe n rk d dKERUX COMMENTARIES Genesiss rich symbolism, traditions, practices, and cultural W.e avE eba GH arpe nt TwithsO tNi arnTt ydhMyeeoOAallodrRgs L iTicOnae WsElt uEaSrme oempmn (Pnaurr, y)ntheCHARaLguTphg ES o HloSaTetgimca SA vel ahrey adj.u n(cPthP PSALMStamughrCoitcR raeEH tly erhansoel la olBsto a isltt hemr VOLUME 1: THE WISDOM PSALMSfose a anisssg oaelclsiioac attleh A Thoefeiossierhe oprnairsueattrtiahyatoion a n entBdeulgNceciouasrt miotnhr. ah ieUniyteHdr un Stat edsseol oenSgredaim cli anilno em t saeere sdtetinaocothhri eg awiA Commentary for Biblical Preaching and Teaching diversitiesain logical al e helt,p iset rcdh ahuners tdch gisiano dr y lv. a hilsi rtpySipt.o uiutnHitoehsen w, s heKiasont-s-d MSAARVELOLLWEEOhtmiltdeedTrt eoJ aa.r homHpeeen d e rm tth ibl or ofn OFt alhdecM uoTilesltosisygt oaiicnee ra B sinV icb ooile nt arnibd-rean an ng ot perSpaale o th yc e s cionmg mitte NKV S et uVtos y BiInectraenslation of thBiblical Comoetrny & Wtary / Oisdld Tom Les P itemraea 0 tn ut /reW9 ISBN 978-0-8254-5846- 780825458460 C.H CARRELIEGSH HTO. SNA MVEALRLLEO JWRE. Exegetical commentary based on encountering and Psalms, vol. 1: The Manifold Beauty illuminating the central big idea of each textThe Wisdom Psalms of Genesis One Jointly authored by an eminent exegetical scholar and an 978-0-8254-5846-0 experienced homiletician$27.99 978-0-8254-4544-6 $22.99kregel.com | 17'