b'MINISTRY AND EDUCATIONINTERVIEW WITH GREG HENSONinstitutional experimentation,have adopted CBTE principles and engagement with variousare reporting more effective Greg Henson stakeholders, highlighted thepreparation of their students need for a more integrated,for ministry roles. Students What work or researchpractical, and contextuallyare entering their vocations led you and Kenton torelevant approach to prepar- with stronger senses of prac-want to write this book? ing church leaders. This booktical readiness and contex-is a culmination of thosetual awareness. Moreover, the Our journey toward writingefforts, aiming to documentcollaborative nature of our this book began with a sharedand share our findings andapproach has begun to restore realization that theologicalmethodologies. trust and partnership between education was facingseminaries and local churches, significant challenges. BothWhat void do you hopefostering a more supportive of us, operating in differentthis book fills in the acad- and effective environment for yet complementary contexts,emy and the church?theological education.observed a growing disconnectHow do you see your between the academy andresearch already makingWhat has been the most the church. Our researchchallenging and the most and experiences revealeda difference? fruitful part of the writ-that traditional theologicalWe hope this book addressesing process?education methods werethe critical void between aca-increasingly insufficient indemic theological educationThe most challenging part of preparing leaders for theand practical ministry applica- the writing process was captur-dynamic and multifacetedtion. Traditional models oftening the dynamic and evolving demands of modern ministry. emphasize theoretical knowl- nature of CBTE. As pioneers in We were particularly influ- edge over practical skills andthis field, we often found our-enced by the broader compe- contextual understanding. Ourselves in uncharted territory, tency-based education (CBE)book aims to bridge this gapcontinuously refining our ideas movement, which emphasizesby providing a framework forand approaches. Balancing the measurable outcomes and prac- CBTE, which prioritizes real- need for rigorous academic tical proficiency. This move- world application, integratedstandards with the practical ment inspired us to exploreoutcomes, and holistic assess- demands of ministry contexts how these principles could bement without losing the impor- required careful thought and adapted to theological edu- tant rigor of deep academic andpersistent effort. Additionally, cation, leading to the devel- theological study. Both can becollaborating across different opment of competency-basedaccomplished.geographical and institutional theological education (CBTE).We see our research alreadycontexts added layers of com-Our collaboration, whichmaking a difference in sev- plexity to our writing process.involved years of dialogue,eral ways. Institutions thatOn the other hand, the most kregel.com/academic35'