b'BIBLICAL STUDIES AND THEOLOGYhistorical Jesus studies into ourOneness Pentecostals teachone thing most leads you analysis of the issues. Contrarythat Jesus is God the Fatherto worship?to prevailing theories in criticalmanifest in the flesh. Against New Testament scholarship, wethese theories, we defend theThe deity of the incarnate argue that the belief in Christhistoric Christian view thatChrist is an inexhaustible as God incarnate was groundedJesus Christ is truly God andsubject and the greatest subject in Jesus own works and teach- truly man, fully divine andabout which we could ever hope ings and made evident to thefully human, distinct fromto think, speak, or write. The earliest disciples through histhe Father but equal to him ineternal Son, through whom resurrection. We defend asdivine nature and status. the world was created and on historical facts that Jesus per- whom we are dependent for formed miracles that revealedWhat do you thinkour every breath, could have his deity, that he made implic- todays readers will findstayed in heaven and left us to itly divine claims, and that hemost surprising in thisour sin and self-destruction. died on the cross and rose fromInstead, he permanently united the dead. In addition, we refutebook? himself to his creation, to our attempts to trace the originsWe suspect that many offrail human race, and suffered of divine Christology to earlytodays readers will be espe- scorn, abuse, and the most Christian appropriation of tra- cially surprised by the richexcruciating and humiliating ditions about exalted figures indepth of New Testament pas- death, all on our behalf. In Second Temple Judaism, suchsages about Jesus. The Sermondoing so, he showed us just as Melchizedek and Enoch.on the Mount, commonly readhow much God loves us. God This makes The Incarnate Christ(especially by liberals) as pri- shows his love for us in that and His Critics not only a studymarily ethical exhortations, inwhile we were still sinners, in Christology but a full- many ways reveals Jesus as theChrist died for us (Rom. 5:8). fledged defense of the deity ofKing of the kingdom of heaven.We join in worshiping him the historical Jesus.The accounts in the Gospelswith the countless human Second, this new bookof Jesus miracles are suffusedand angelic beings who shout, engages in comparative reli- with allusions to the activityWorthy is the Lamb who was gion as we systematicallyof the Lord God among theslain (Rev. 5:12).describe and respond to whatIsraelites in the Old Testament. six religious movements teachPauls epistles contain soaringRead the full interview about Christ. Muslims thinkdescriptions of the greatness ofon our blog:Jesus was just a great prophet.Christ. The book of Revelation, Progressive Christians are theo- which many Christians view logically ultraliberal churchas an undecipherable text, people who view Jesus as atruly is a revelation of Jesus Jewish mystic. Unitarians argueChrist, showing him to be the that Jesus was a virgin-bornBeginning and the End, the human exalted to divine sta- one who holds the future in his tus only after his resurrection.hands. Mormons regard Jesus as one of many gods. Jehovahs WitnessesWhen you reflect on all preach that Jesus was the firstyouve written about the creature, Michael the arch- incarnate Christ, what angel. At the other extreme, kregel.com/academic19'