b'BIBLICAL STUDIES AND THEOLOGYINTERVIEW WITHROBERT M. BOWMAN JR. &J. ED KOMOSZEWSKIRobert M. Bowman Jr. J. Ed KomoszewskiHow do you hope yourbecomes more secure at theinspired The Incarnate book will affect the waycenter of their faith. Christ and His Critics todays readers thinkWhat information mostto be written?about Jesus (and conse- surprised you duringPutting Jesus in His Place intro-quently, how do you hopeyour research and writ- duces readers to the vari-it will affect readersing of this book? ous ways in which the New daily lives)? Testament presents Jesus as our One thing that we foundLord and our God. It debunks We have observed with greatquite surprising is how widelythe canard that belief in the concern the erosion of faith inrecent scholarship, even fromdeity of Christ is a post biblical Jesus Christ as God incarnate.non-Christians, has concededdoctrine based on a few bib-Even within evangelicalism atthat the earliest Christianslical proof texts taken out of a popular level, the doctrine ofviewed Jesus as more than acontext. For the most part, the incarnation is commonlymanas in some sense divine.that earlier book proceeded on neglected, often misunder- The notion that Christiansthe assumption of the inspi-stood, and in some instancesoriginally thought of Jesusration of Scripture and sim-rejected in favor of an unortho- as just a human Messiah andply expounded its teachings dox view of Christ. We hopeonly generations later came toabout Christ, while also show-that The Incarnate Christ and Hisview him as divine has becomeing that the deity of Christ is Critics will strengthen believerspass. The debate now is nottaught even in the earliest New in the biblical view of Christwhether the earliest ChristiansTestament writings.and equip them to respond tothought Jesus was divine butWe estimate that the amount the contemporary challengesrather what exactly that meantof literature ever published of to that faith. On a practicalto them and how they came torelevance to Christology has level, a thorough grasp of whatsee him in that way. roughly doubled since our 2007 Scripture reveals about Jesusbook. In response, The Incarnate will foster greater devotion andHow is this book inspiredChrist and His Critics develops a obedience to him, give believersby (and different from)more rigorous, comprehensive more confidence in their wit- your best-selling Puttingdefense of the doctrine of the ness to others about him, andincarnation in the context of make their reading of the BibleJesus in His Place?two related disciplines. First, exciting and fruitful as ChristWhat new scholarshipwe integrate the field known as 18kregel.com/academic'