b"Kregels Easter Treasury of Illustrated Bible StoriesMatt Lockhart, general editorScripture with classic artwork for a keepsake families will read every Easter.L ike Kregels Treasury of Illustrated Bible Stories, this Easter volume combines actual Scripture with stunning, high-qualitytraditionalartwork,bringingthetimelessEaster story to life in a presentation that will delight young and old.Matt Lockhart gathers classic illustrations to illuminate eighteen passages surrounding Easter, including the trium-phal entry, the Last Supper, the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus carrying the cross, the resurrection, and many more.A beautifully illustrated book, this treasury also includes a forty-day reading plan for Lent and an invitation for chil-dren to receive Gods gift of Jesus.This keepsake is the perfect gift for Easter and for genera-tions to come.Matt LockharthasbeenapartofbringingBible-based books and resources to life throughout nearly three decades in ministry and Christian publishing. Lockhart has a heart for engaging children and adults with the life-giving message of Gods Word. He and his wife live in Colorado in a nearly empty nest.978-0-8254-4899-7$17.99Hardback8 x 1048 pages Jesus Appears toRELIGION / Christianity / Literature and the Arts Mary MagdaleneKregel Children'sRights: WW M t ear w e toem-rb canad lry wookaes sd itann. Sdhine sg oauw ttsiwde to whhit oberd ayinngg, aelsn, od ans se shite weting aptt t, shhe he steoaod apend d h theor amt tanh, we fhoy aot ore yf thoe pu clraycie wng?h terhe te ahne bgeols asked her.dy of Jesus had been lying. De oBheecrae tushe tey hhey have pave tut hakimen a. way my Lord, she replied, and I dont know February 25, 2025 w aShidhno at rere y ooking for aw sd e turnceod tgonu lio lzee havie am. nd sDe? r woommeaonn, we shty aanrde ying tou cherryei. Int wg? Jas Jesues asuss, buked ht shere . WS we tah ay, thoeull mght he we whears te yhoe gu haarvde peneurt h. Simir,, a snhd I we saidil, l gif yo aonu hd gaevt he timak.en him Mary! Jesus said.She turned to him and cried out, Rabboni! (which is Hebrew for Teacher).Mary Magdalene found the disciples and told them, I have seen the Lord!John 20:1116, 18 (nlt)Chrradistians is He is risen! witndh tehee d!A t itional Easter greeting among responsor e of eInditeheed Hr He ie is rs risiseenn i!r 40 r r 41 rRelated Titles Unique Selling PointsCombines beautiful classic illustrations with eighteen key Lent and Easter Bible passagesPerfect gift for the Easter seasonIntroduces new stories and illustrations not found in other Kregel treasuriesKregels Treasury ofKregels Christmas Treasury Illustrated Bible Stories of Illustrated Bible Stories978-0-8254-4646-7 978-0-8254-4832-4$27.99 $17.99kregel.com | 11"