Two Kregel Titles Win 2023 Foreword INDIES Awards

June 07, 2024

GRAND RAPIDS, MI --On June 6, two Kregel fiction titles were announced as winners in the 2023 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.

Within These Walls of Sorrow by Amanda Barratt won Silver in War & Military. Barratt's meticulous research and lush, award-winning writing shine in this moving look at a group of unsung heroes who fought for hope and humanity in the most harrowing of times. "As superbly written as it is haunting in its truth," says endorser Kate Breslin.

Hero Debut by Angela Ruth Strong won Bronze in Romance. The second in Strong's Love Off Script series follows Gemma Bennett in her over-the-top escapades to woo Lieutenant Karson Zellner for her newest screenplay. Other Christian romance authors describe Hero Debut as "a must-read," "arrestingly delightful," "witty," "hilarious," and "satisfying."

The full list of winners was announced on the Foreword Reviews website and can be found here.


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Kregel Publications is an evangelical Christian publisher that aims to develop and distribute--with integrity and excellence--trusted, biblically based resources that lead individuals to know and serve Jesus Christ.