The Peacock Throne

January 27, 2016

Window To My World
"I’m telling you now there is SO MUCH to like about this book! It doesn’t matter what genre you prefer, this book has got it! But the best part is all of is well-written and keeps your imagination fully captive from first to last page!! A rip-roaring good time will be had between the covers of this novel! I highly recommend it to everyone!!"

A Simple Life, really?!?
"It is a mystery that will keep you on the edge of your seat."

Blooming with Books
"This is historical fiction in its most delightful form. Adventure that will take you into a new world. A hint of romance. And friendships that make all the difference.Get ready to swept away to Regency England and British ruled India."

By the Book
"If you like a tale filled with action and romance, you need to check out The Peacock Throne."

Book Reviews from an Avid Reader
"I highly recommend this novel to those who enjoy a well crafted story woven around a very possible historical event. The characters are well developed and the action is plentiful."

Maureen's Musings
"There is so much action in this book, and Ms. Lydia is one awesome young woman, never a dull moment in this ladies life, whether she is climbing through windows, or cutting the lines of grappling hooks, or writing notes with clues hidden in them. Don’t miss this intriguing read; you won’t want to put it down."

Good Books for the journey
"It's a story that includes suspense and intrigue as well as a bit of romance."

Proverbial Reads
"It’s a book that drew me in immediately and kept me interested until the very end. I definitely hope we’ll see more of these characters in at least one more book."

Tammy's Book Parlor
"As I began reading this story I quickly found out that Lydia Garrett is a young woman who is not afraid of life. An interesting mystery surrounding the Peacock Throne."

Seeking with all Yur Heart"
"I liked the writing style of this author. The story was interesting and ensnared me easily."

Kissed by Literature
"This was another wonderful novel of historical fiction. Lots of action follows Lydia. It starts with action on the first page and doesn’t let you go. I loved how the reader gets to travel the world with Lydia. Each new setting was vividly described."

Tamara Tilley
"I enjoyed THE PEACOCK THRONE with its twist and turns, but the pacing of the book was a bit slow for my liking. Still, it was an adventurous read."

3 Partners in Shopping
"This book has action, suspense and some romance. I give this book a 5/5."

Indoor Garden Musings
"I really enjoyed The Peacock Throne. I recommend it to you. I’m looking forward to reading more about Anthony, Lydia, and Marcus."

Vic's Media Room
"This is a hard-boiled investigation filled with all kinds of twists and turns that will really keep you engrossed."