The Methuselah Project

October 07, 2015

Lyons Lady
"I liked this book and now have placed Rick Barry on my favorite author list."

Indoor Garden Musings
"I thoroughly enjoyed this book."

Tammy's Book Parlor
"Did I enjoy this read? A resounding YES!"

Thoughts of a Sojourner
"The author did a great job of describing a person's emotions and feelings if they were suddenly thrust into the modern day after being hidden from everything for several decades."

The Loopy Librarian
"Though I found holes in the story and had many unanswered questions, The Methuselah Project was still a page-turner with a unique and entertaining premise."

Book Reviews from an Avid Reader
"The characters are well done."

Leah's Good Reads
"With it's good blend of several of my favorite genres- historical fiction, sci-fi, and romance, I can definitely recommend this one."

"This is the first of Rick Barry's books that I've read and I'd say he has hit a home run!"

"If you like a blend of the past involving German Nazi ideals with a touch of romance, conspiracy, and intrigue, this is a great selection."

Reviews from the Heart
"Fans of just about any kind of novel will absolutely LOVE this one."

Kissed by Literature
"My favorite part of the novel is Roger's reaction to modern day things. Often I was laughing out loud."

"Although this book is promoted as Christian fiction, I think people of all faiths will enjoy this story."

Maureen's Musings
"I am not a fan of sci-fi, but the concept of this book intrigued me, and I am so glad that I read it."

Chat With Vera
" A good book to recommend."

Books, Beautiful Books
"I absolutely love world war two stories, especially biographies but also some historical fiction. However, I draw the line at science fiction!"

A Book A Day
"The characters of Roger and Katherine grabbed me straightaway and I couldn't wait to find out what happens to them."

Book by Book
"...a completely addicting read, and I had a hard time putting it down."

The Old Crow's Empty Nest
"It is well written, super action filled, historical, and exciting!"

Karla Akins
"A very good read and worth the time to read."

A Book Lover
"Overall a good different kind of book."

Hobby Farmer Day by Day, Author by Night
"This book had it all for me--action, suspense, romance..."

Vic's Media Room
"Not only will this book keep you flipping pages as fast as you can read them it will also have you asking all kinds of questions."

A Girl and Her Bible
"I thought it was well-written and believable."

Proverbial Reads
"...a supernatural thriller..."

Amanda's Pile of Books
"It was highly entertaining and hard to put down."

A Path of Joy
" soon had me riveted to my seat."

Wildflower Faith
"...recommend it to fans of WWII fiction and modern day suspense."

Blooming with Books
"I would love to read a sequel..."

Adventures In Frugal Land
"I found myself unable to put it down."

Learning, Teaching, Laughing
"It's a good diversionary read..."

Godly Book Reviews
"All in all a good book."

For the love of books
"The Methuselah Project is really a fantastic read."

Seeking with All Yur heart
"This is a very well-crafted story!"

3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, & Sissy, Too!
"I give this book a 5/5."

Tamara Tilley - Author of Page-Turning Fiction
"I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves adventure that takes you outside the box."

Window to my World
"... this is just a really well told story that will keep you entertained."

Deal Sharing Aunt
"I give this book a 4/5."