The Jazz Files

March 14, 2016

Chris Jager
"A delightful mixture of Agatha Christie and the old dime novel detectives, Jazz Files was just a fun read."

ElCloud Homeschool
"I was delighted by The Jazz Files and found it to be very well-written. I couldn't put the book down and read the whole thing in one afternoon."

Be Mi Own
"Eagerly waiting Book Two to find out more about Poppy and her life."

Maureen's Musings
"With this read we get it all, we tour London, we revisit history, and we travel with a fast pace mystery."

A Simple Life, really?!
"The author has created a great start to her series of Poppy Denby Investigates and I'm sure if she keeps writing like this, her series is going to be a hit."

"Overall, I'd recommend this interesting mystery."

Live to Read to Live
"Poppy is a feisty protagonist who experiences the first thrills of a career, a budding romance, and all the excitement of the times. I'm hoping Poppy Denby will return in future installments."

Barbarian Librarian
"Intriguing and it keeps you guessing to the end. For fans of cozy mysteries and period pieces."

Tammy's Book Parlor
"What a mystery! Loved this read! This one book you'll want to read for yourself!"

For the Love of Books
"I HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone who enjoys Christian Historical Fiction and Suspense, you will not be disappointed. I give this book 5+ STARS."

Vic's Media Room
"I believe you are going to enjoy this book and our heroine and that you are not going to want to put it down until you have finished it!"

Book Reviews from an Avid Reader
"I do recommend it to those who enjoy an English historical mystery with a strong female sleuth."

Good Books for the Journey
"This was one I wanted to keep reading and reading and not put down. If I had all the time in the world to read, I probably could have read it in one sitting. It was that interesting."

Indoor Garden Musings
"I had a hard time putting it down. I recommend The Jazz Files to you."

Kissed by Literature
"I found myself guessing at people’s true motives and how it would all turn out. I take that to be the sign of a good mystery. I was fully engaged."

3 Partners in Shopping
"I really enjoyed this and I will be waiting to read the next book in this series."

By the Book
"Careful attention to detail, including fashion, entertainment, and the politics of the day, brings London of 1920 to life."

Steeler Girl
"The Jazz Files is quite a bit different from any other books I've read in the Christian fiction genre. It's got murder, mystery, and women's rights issues all wrapped up with a touch of romance."

The power of words...
"Fiona Veitch Smith has done a wonderful job blending characters, setting, and plot together in a way that pulls you into the story."

Christian Chick's Thoughts
"The Jazz Files is a solid introduction to what looks to be an engrossing series. 4 stars."

Lavish Bookshelf
"This book skillfully combines mystery with fascinating historical facts of the early 20th Century."

The Old Crow's Empty Nest
"All the characters are interesting and well developed. I can't wait to read more of Ms. Smith’s books!"

Deal Sharing Aunt
"This is the first book in this new series and it looks like it is going to be a great series."

"I would recommend this book to history fans, mystery fans, and those who love a good murder novel."