Marriage on the Mend Blog Tour

May 01, 2015

What our readers had to say:

Hanna Lei Blog "Each chapter has valuable information, and is written in an honest and easy to understand way."

A Book A Day "It is a short book that is quick to read, and is much less expensive than divorce!"

On To Distant Pages "Christ bids you to come and Marriage on the Mend is a terrific example of how that grace plays out in the lives of normal people."

Indoor Garden Musings "This book is full of helpful information, links to videos, and questions, to help your marriage."

Ministry Design Concepts "Pick up a copy today and begin your personal journey through the process to mend and/or strengthen your marriage."

Panorama of a Book Saint "Let this book instills hope, furnishes examples, and increases the resolve of more marriages both healthy or otherwise."

Vic's Media Room "I believe it is a wonderful resource."

Sonya Writes "For those who are already at the point of reconciling, I think this book is a valuable resource."

Edge Induced Cohesion "This is a thoughtful book about a difficult subject, and hopefully it can provide the encouragement and tools necessary for couples with a shared commitment in overcoming relationship troubles to do what needs to be done."