A Thousand Shall Fall

January 12, 2016

"I liked that she was willing to help soldiers from either side of the war who need medical attention."

A Book A Day
"Overall, this was an ok book for me."

The Old Crow's Empty Nest
"The author did such an astonishing job of incorporating Civil War history into her novel that you didn’t even realize you were being entertained and getting a history lesson too!"

Bookmarks and Coffee Mugs
"This novel, in my opinion, blended the history and the romance quite well."

A room without books is empty
"If you like historical fiction then you will love this book."

Awaiting the King
"The tone and “appropriateness” of the story make it ideal for teen readers, who would enjoy the story while also learning a bit of relevant history."

Ladybug Chronicles
"This book was engaging from page one and just like other books by Andrea this was not a disappointment. "

Dots & Daisies
"This is the first book I have read by Andrea Boeshaar and I will definitely be checking into more of her writings."

Lane Hill House
"I liked the spunk of Aunt Ruth's housekeeper and life-long friend, Tabitha."

3 Partners in Shopping
"I really liked this novel."

Indoor Garden Musings
"Andrea Boeshaar did a wonderful job of incorporating descriptions of the time period and area."

Kissed by Literature
"The novel is all around beautiful, and you can feel Carrie Ann’s passion and conflicts."

Diane Estrella
"The names and places were a little overwhelming for me to follow, but the story carried along wonderfully even without me knowing every named detail."

Tammy's Book Parlor
"An interesting story with a few twists and turns and gentle romance."

Vic's Media Room
"The love story between Carrie Ann and Peyton is a lot of fun and this book is filled with plenty of action to keep you turning the pages."

Mrs C's Book Reviews
"A Thousand Shall Fall will delight the romantic, the historian, and the adventurer in all of us."

Good Books for the Journey
"I prefer Civil War novels that present good and bad people from both sides."

Seeking with all Yur Heart
"I liked the detailed setting and battle scenes as it made the story more realistic."

Genesis 5020
"Just when I would think I would stop reading for the night a new twist was added to the story and I found myself reading one more chapter."

Mocha with Linda
"Add this to your reading list today!"

Peg Thomas
"Andrea Boeshaar did a wonderful job of setting the reader into the Shenandoah Valley amidst a divided people."

Godly Book Reviews
"I enjoyed this book immensely."

Growing for Christ
"The writing of Andrea Boeshaar is rich with feeling and descriptions that make it a wonderful read."