Not Just a Mom
October 12, 2018

“This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:4, ESV)

Being a mom does not have to be synonymous with “exhausted” or “overwhelmed.” If we look from the right angle, there are countless reminders of why it can mean “thankful” instead. We may be missing those reminders if we only focus on the overt—instead we may need to shift our perspective to notice the small spaces.

Why is it that we forget to take time to be thankful for the seemingly little things: our next breath, one more day to hug our babies, a heater in our car, a roof with no holes? We only notice these things when they are gone: breath, baby hugs, heater, shingled roof. Not only do we notice when they are suddenly (or gradually) missing, but we get offended at the idea that anyone would dare take what is so rightfully ours. So why don’t we value these and other small blessings while we have them?

I do not want to be this person. Taking the time to smell the roses isn’t enough if we forget to say thanks for them. Having a harvest party doesn’t mean much if we forget to stop and tell the Lord thank you for the farmers, their families, their sacrifice. I am grateful for the weather, even on days when it ruins my plans. Without it, all of it, there would be considerably less food.

This focus on thankfulness may seem minor, but what if we decided to live every day intentionally seeking out ways to thank God? How would that change us? Being a mother is one of the most vital roles we will play in this life because we have the chance to introduce our children to God’s great plan for their lives. We empower them to stand up and start walking their own calling. We are the first glimpse of Jesus our children will ever meet, and I for one do not want to waste a single opportunity. This sort of shift—from fretting to thankfulness, from mundane to intentional—is what it looks like to go from every day mom to Missionary Mom.

Lord, keep me from feeling entitled, even to my breath. I don’t deserve to take one more. Thank you for the hugs I get to have this day. For the friends who are coming. For the friends who have been here already. For the besties that sharpen my iron. For the words you choose to share through me.

Help me remember that, even though my identity seems overly wrapped up in being a mom, you define me. And you say you have plans for me right here, right now. Show me how to bring my children along for those plans instead of being tempted to leave them behind. You never intended for me to be just a mom. Your plan is to make me a Missionary Mom. Help me say yes to that every day.


Shontell Brewer
Shontell Brewer is a wife, mother, kindergarten teacher, and associate pastor with Foursquare International in Reno, Nevada. She holds a master of science degree in teaching English as a second language and a master of arts in Christian studies with an emphasis in urban ministry. Her blog, Nonsense at Its Finest, can be found at