Made for an Abundant Purpose
June 04, 2019

Why on earth are you here? Why was I made? Why are you breathing? Why am I alive? These are questions most of us ask, often regularly. Who doesn’t want to unearth the real reason they exist?

Some people wonder if they’re even supposed to take up space on this planet, possibly believing they are an accident or some cosmic mix-up. Does this describe you? Are you afraid to believe you deserve more?

Or perhaps your issue isn’t wondering but wandering.

Are you tired of doing nothing but existing—getting up, going through the same old motions, stumbling through life in a zombielike trance? Do you feel like there should be more?

Or do you fall in the camp of those who have gotten a glimpse of something more? You know your purpose but feel stifled in living it out. Are you fired up, much like a Thoroughbred behind the gate, stomping and snorting, waiting to be released? Are you ready for more?

If any of these scenarios describe you, I have great news. Those stirrings in the deepest part of your soul are there for a reason: you are made for more. You were made on purpose, with purpose, and you are meant to fulfill an abundant purpose. As a person created in the image of God, your creator, you are marked for more than a humdrum, stuck-in-a-rut, there-has-to-be-more-than-this life.

As we go through our days, something inside our human spirits whispers to us, “You are marked for more,” but discovering precisely what our purpose is can seem as elusive as a cool drink in a hot desert. Often, the more we hunger for an answer, the less satisfied we feel.

In my book, Exceedingly, you will find powerful strategies and practical application to help you find your unique calling and purpose. For now, I want to leave you with this.

I don’t know your story, but I do know this: before birth, you were designed, planned, and created in intricate detail (Ps. 139:13–14). You were marked uniquely for greatness—though its expression may be seen by one, by many, or by you and your heavenly Father alone.

Science still cannot figure out many of the miraculous ways our human bodies operate. I believe this single piece of evidence points to our Maker’s existence. The grand Creator made you because he desires a relationship with you (Acts 17:26–27).

We were made to be loved. We were marked for more. You were made on purpose, with purpose, for an abundant purpose.

You were not made to simply exist; you exist for exceedingly more.

Anita Agers-Brooks
"Am I making a difference?" "Can I accomplish meaningful things despite the mistakes I've made?" "How can I know God's purpose for me?"

As the true stories in Exceedingly demonstrate, whether famous or entirely unknown, we all struggle to find significance in our lives. But the truth is that each one of us has a special reason for being right here, right now--and we can discover exactly what that is.